Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Café Beignet

The most delightful treats are sometimes the most unexpected ones. I decided to go for a bike ride one Saturday morning, but after a mere 3 blocks from home I felt hungry. Surprise surprise. Saturday morning bike ride turned snack time real fast. I decided to scoot up to Café Beignet, for my very first beignet experience. When I initially moved to Scranton I would admire this bright blue building and say…what is a beignet (or ‘big-net’ as I would say…horrible I know). After hearing friends pronounce the name correctly, a light switched on and the “aha” moment happened…“ohhh beignet” (or my phonetic pronunciation: ben-yay. I’m Italian, not French). Beignet is literally translated to “fried dough” in French. Here in America, beignets are almost always associated with New Orleans, specifically at Café Du Monde, and are the official state doughnut (why a state has an official doughnut I’m not exactly sure but regardless…). Scranton is no New Orleans, but the beignet magic that happens at this local eatery is out of this world. So, as I’m out of breath from biking slightly up hill, and my helmet still on, I dished out a whopping $0.75, waited about 30 seconds for a freshly fried made-to-order beignet and was soon in complete fantasy world. Once I took my first bite of this fluffy fried dough the first words that came out of my mouth were (forgive me Lord), “oh-my-God,” along with a cloud of powdered sugar. SO good. I don’t know what more to say. Super cheep, delicious, cultural (if you will), and most importantly a convenient bike ride from my house! Best quick-stop-for-breakfast place around. A beignet would be my choice, but they offer breakfast sandwiches, muffins, cookies, bagels, and of course…coffee.

Café Beignet is open from 6:45am – noon, where the next-door Pizzeria (Gabriele’s Pizza) opens from noon – 10pm. Most interestingly, The Milk Saving Starving Children Foundation (MiSSC) formed Café Beignet, where all proceeds generated will benefit the foundation. The purpose of this foundation is to provide vitamin-fortified powdered milk to starving children locally and around the world. For more insider look as to how Café Beignet is helping this foundation check out their website in our links section.

Support a local business, support an inspiring foundation.

The Tea Bar

   You know that feeling when you have a HUGE meal, and your whole body feels like it's bursting? Your stomach swells and gets heavy, you feel lethargic (at the very best) and you can actually see your hips widening and jean size climbing? I'm sad (and slightly, strangely proud) to admit that during the summer, this tends to be a trend with me.  Out of work (the reward for a year of teaching I suppose) and anxious for something to do, I generally fill my idle hours with the consumption of too much food- and whenever possible, sweets.  So when a friend told me of a recent eating expedition to Scranton's (relatively) new Tea Bar, and described it as "food that feels like it's nourishing your body, but doesn't make you feel heavy"- I knew I needed to go.  I told Jean about it- she needed to go too, and then life, as it often does, took hold, and we both ended up going separately, and loving it separately.  However, because I am the part-time glutton of the blog, I get to write about it since I had WAY more than my co-pilot.  I would like to note at this time that when you google Synonyms of Glutton the result is quite enjoyable: epicure, gorger, gormandizer, gourmand, hefty eater, hog, pig, sensualist, stuffer... I like hefty eater the best. 
I brought Rose with me, because no one likes to eat it up (quite literally) like me except for Rose (oh- and Candice... and now that you mention it, Jenna.... okay- foodies beget foodies I suppose).  The Tea Bar is quite inauspicious outside- a small sign notes it's presence, declaring it The Healthiest food in NEPA- quite unassuming and demure.  The inside is equally calm- quite zen if you will, lots of greens and glasstop tables and the delightful Vysotsky family as our hosts and servers for the meal.  Little do they know that Rose and I are about to eat them out of house and home.  If anyone can make super healthy food gluttonous it's the two of us.  We begin with each of the soup offered - Butternut Squash and a Vegetable Medley soup- which, Alex (the owner) tells us are both Vegan. Yum! They are both full of flavor, but the natural flavors of the ingredients rather than a dash of this or that- as a nice addition there is a dash of fresh dill on the Butternut squash- we of course end up combining the two by the conclusion of our soup indulgence, and that is delicious too.
   Next- we each ordered a sandwich- both served on Sprouted Bread served by the family's daughter.  The benefits of Sprouted bread have been espoused by many- including, probably most notably, the Raw Foods community in addition to people who have diabetes, and those who follow a Gluten free diet.  Sprouted Bread is made from whole grains that have sprouted (or germinated says the ever-helpful wikipedia) and is cooked at a very low temperature or not at all.  Our bodies tend to process this type of bread like a plant, and the grains retain their natural enzymes. The tea bar also uses Organic ingredients, which is always a nice benefit- avoiding pesticides and genetically modified food sources.  I ordered a  Portabella Mushroom sandwich served with dill, hummus, and melted cheese. Rose ordered Chicken salad sandwich with sweet, dried cranberries.  There was very little mayonnaise, only enough to bond the ingredients together.  We each ate one half of each sandwich.  Pause to note that I fall deeply in love at this moment, and as such the portabella sandwich has been recreated at my house every single day since I went to the tea bar (although, I switched the cheese to Goat Cheese, because- well come on, Goat Cheese is unbelievable). The Chicken Salad was light and delicious- filling but, just like my friend said, left us feeling nourished not stuffed. *As a side note, if you want to get thoroughly confused look up the spelling/debate about Portobello vs Portabella, geez louise!
   And because we weren't stuffed, and found this confusing, we thought we'd go for dessert while we were at it.  The younger son of the family took over our service at this time, and he is delightful, just like his sister and father.  He tells us the family is from Russia, and has such a nice air about him- reminding you of all the nice bits of childhood.  I tell you this, because it really adds to the experience- it's comforting and homey. We order one of each the desserts,  a mixed berry mixed berry zabaglione and tiramiso and also a loose leaf Chai tea to share (it is afterall, The Tea Bar, with over 30 teas to choose from).  Rose, the authority on Tiramiso, loves it- and I (the authority on sweets) LOVE the zabaglione- a light custard, whipped and filled with air, with delicious berries- perfecto. The tea is also organic and very nice, and one order is enough even for the two of us. Just for good measure, Rose picks up some of their delicious whole-grain cookies on the way out for the family. By the way, we spent less than $30 on SO MUCH FOOD.
   Realization: Wow, I love this place.  Seriously- I LOVE it.  I have anxiety about how to explain how fabulous it is, but I'll try to sum it up.
   Go early- eat well- feel fabulous knowing you're doing right by your body while supporting a great effort by local merchants!

431 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. 
Mon-Thurs: 10am-4pm
Friday: 10am-8pm

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Basil 101

One of my favorite things about summer is growing herbs. As a child my mother would grow the most outstanding basil plants that I’m sure would have won awards for producing as much as they did. Today I am venturing into the art of “basil mothering” on my own, and as they say “like mother like daughter…” my basil plant is growing at a pace my taste buds can’t seem to keep up with. Basil is such a versatile herb that seems to be hinting each dish I make lately. A couple days ago when I visited the Scranton Farmer’s Market I noticed bunches of herbs (including basil) sold for only $0.75. And these bunches were generous enough to keep any basil fanatic satisfied for at least a week and a half. I thought to myself…why pluck, water, and talk to a plant if I could buy the same thing for $0.75 a week? I don’t really know, maybe next year I will. Only the more reason to trot yourself up to Scranton’s Farmer’s Market, I guess.

So, I’d love to share my favorite basil pesto recipe with all of you:

3 cups basil leaves (I usually take a 3-cup measuring cup outside with me and just start plucking away until the cup is filled)

A couple springs of parsley (this is optional…about ¼ cup, if you’re measuring)

½ cup olive oil (good olive oil, please)

½ cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (the good stuff, please)

1-teaspoon salt (a generous sprinkle)

½ teaspoon black pepper

Juice from 1 whole lemon

2-3 cloves of garlic (crushed)

3 tablespoons of toasted pine nuts or walnuts (completely optional)

Put all ingredients except the olive oil in a blender or food processor and put that baby on high speed while slowly drizzling in the olive oil. Let ‘er rip until she’s smooth and delicious.

This pesto is not a dip…it’s not really meant to be eaten by the spoonful, rather it’s best used as a spread on bread with mozzarella cheese and diced tomatoes (pesto bruschetta, if you will), or as a sauce for pasta (simple enough), an addition to a regular grilled cheese sandwich, a substitution for butter with corn on the cob (as you can see the one and only Jenna enjoying in the photograph), or my personal favorite- as a marinade for chicken or fish. Clearly there are few ingredients in pesto, but they should all be high quality or else you’re left with a pesto that tastes more like a mess-o project in your mouth.

[If you do have a basil plant, or wish to grow your own I have a few tips for sustaining the vivacious herb. Firstly, basil likes to be treated like a fine Italian woman. It likes the sun; it likes to bake in the sun until the soil (or skin on a woman) is dry, then after a long day of baking…it likes to be soaked with water to sustain perfect hydration…and talk to her every now and again. Also, a hair cut at least every other day is mandatory. When the basil starts to flower, (little white buds come out of the top) pluck them off right away so the plant continues to produce new leaves. Or…you could always go to the Scranton Farmer’s Market and buy a bundle.]

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Amber Indian Restaurant

My favorite time of day is to get up and eat 
leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food- 
David Byrne.
     I grew up in a hot dogs and mac and cheese type of family. When I was in Elementary School, my big sister Amanda  left for college, and looking back, with 9 years between us she seemed to morph in my mind to an amalgamation of  part reality, part big-sister/superhero idealization (don't get me wrong, she is still part superhero).  I tell you this because had ANYONE tried to get me to eat something off my tried and true All-American path other than her, I probably would have thought they were trying to inflict bodily harm, blown a raspberry in their face and given them a swift kick in the shins (this is a dramatization, please do not judge the child-version of me). She made us an Indian cuisine inspired dinner that night, modeled after a meal she had at a professors home.  I wish I could remember exactly what it was that she served us- but I do know this: It had cumin.  I really believe that was the moment that my foodie love began- I didn't know what else was out there, but I knew that I wanted to try it- Who knew that spicy could be hot and still savory or that a licorice flavor (in the form of anise or thai-basil) could make a meal come to life? Who knew that coconut milk was so delectable? Who knew that a meal could be delicious and filling without any meat? Who knew? 
     Amber Indian Restaurant for one, they knew.  Again, my introduction to this Scranton hot-spot came from my trusted all-things-Scranton authority and best friend, Rose.  Truth be told, I've been going to Amber for years- and I have yet to turn down an invite to this place.  If a new acquaintance or possible romantic interest says to you, "How about Amber" I would argue that they have passed the "good character" challenge.  My Co-Pilot Jean though, wasn't sure it would be her cup of tea- she is, after all, what i lovingly refer to as a purist- she likes fresh flavors and spicy isn't her thing and to be honest, I was nervous too.  Never fear though Scranton- Amber didn't disappoint- in fact, I even heard the word "phenomenal" used!  Jean ordered the Chicken Tikka Masala after our server told her it was "the best thing on the menu" (lucky!), and apparently feeling somewhat subconsciously spiteful, I requested something spicy from the vegetarian dishes, and was directed to Navrattan Korma.  Additionally we ordered some Naan (leavened, smoky bread) and a side of Raita (very similiar to tatziki- this is yogurt with shredded cucumber served chilled).  
The Chicken Tikka Masala is a boneless chicken broiled in a tandoor (a clay oven that reaches temperatures of 900°F, heated by charcoal or wood fire, the Naan is also cooked here). The color is a vibrant orange-red, which traditionally is achieved through spices such as Cayenne, red chili powder, or Tumeric, which produces the vibrant hue. The menu at Amber simply lists green spices and tomato with a light cream sauce.  This dish was not spicy- it was sweet with a taste of garlic and oh yes, cream.  It was quite delicious, and as a bonus paired nicely with the basmati rice and the cool yogurt sauce. I don't doubt that it's one of the best dishes on the menu- I know I couldn't abide a single taste, and kept sneaking in for more.
     Now on the other hand, the Navratan Korma had some major heat. "Navratan" translated means: Nine Gems- so it featured nine garden vegetables cooked in spices (best guess: ground pepper, tumeric, cumin) with, you guessed it, a tomato cream sauce.  What I love about spicy Indian food, is what I said before- it's hot- but with purpose.  The heat isn't about pain, it's about extracting all the flavors and they really did this well. Jean was a trooper, trying the dish, and even finishing the whole bite (thadda girl!). Mega tasty- I'd risk a runny nose any day to eat this stuff! At the risk of making myself even less cool- check out that photo opp! That's a girl and her food if I ever saw it!
     Amber never lets me down... well, except when they leave the Palak Paneer out of the lunch buffet... But, really, I've never had a bad meal there. They're good people, it's good food. Simple enough- so, you know what I'm going to tell you now-if you haven't already, get there! And if you have, now's a good time to get reacquainted!
3505 Birney Avenue
Moosic, PA 18507

Open 7 days/week
Lunch: 11AM-3PM
Dinner: 5PM-10PM

Monday, July 19, 2010

Scranton Co-Op (Farmer's) Market

After spending a weekend at the beach in Delaware, I came home and was ready to bake. Ready to bake something with PEACHES, that is. Because over the weekend we had some of the sweetest, juiciest, best peaches I've ever eaten. Peaches are in season, right? So, no wonder they're absolutely delicious.

(I now suggest googling or you-tubing “Peaches-Presidents of the USA” for your listening pleasure as you continue reading)

Next stop on a sunny Monday afternoon: Scranton Co-Op (farmer’s) Market to get myself some fresh peaches! As anticipated, I was overwhelmed with the plethora of produce and baked goods, therefore accompanying the peaches (from Heller’s Farm in NY) in my basket were empire apples, hickory smoked pepper crusted bacon (BLT for lunch…delish) and fresh eggs. I felt stocked and ready to go. Friendly people, variety, space, freshness…a farmer’s market fantasy.

So what did I make with the peaches? Peach bread pudding. Soo delicious! Here’s the recipe:

3 cups fresh peaches – pealed and chopped

1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk

3 eggs

1 ¼ cups hot water

¼ cup butter

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon lemon zest

2 generous handfuls of fresh blueberries

1 loaf French bread torn into small pieces (one of those skinny loaves from the bakery section of the grocery store)

Mix peaches, condensed milk, and eggs together. Add hot water, butter, cinnamon, lemon zest, and vanilla extract. Stir in the bread and plop the whole mixture in a greased 13 x 9” baking pan. Bake at 325 degrees for about an hour, until the little peaks of bread on the top of the pudding are golden brown. Let cool for about 2 hours.

I would personally eat the pudding as is but if you want to fancy it up a bit you could drizzle caramel sauce over the top and call it gourmet.

To make the caramel sauce bring ½ cup brown sugar, ½ cup butter, 2 tablespoons corn syrup, and 1-tablespoon rum to a boil. Boil for at least 4 minutes, then let cool slightly before serving.

My roommates enjoyed a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top of their pudding. Clearly the photo you see is not the most flattering, but I can only do so much with a phone camera and an already half consumed dessert.

All in all, seasonal is better, local is best, and cooking is what I adore. What a lovely day.

Scranton Co-Op Farmer's Market - 356 Barring Ave (off Providence Rd and Albright Ave)

Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday noon - 7(ish)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Alfredo's Pizza Cafe

I love the justification for food consumption that this blog has provided.  On Tuesday, I called my friend Rose and said, "I need to eat somewhere awesome so I can update the blog".  Sounds reasonable to me, and she was a more than willing participant.  Rose is a great resource for delicious eats in Scranton- but I insisted that it needed to be somewhere new to me- and believe it or not, I'm starting to require some major insider tips! We started a haphazard cruise and saw a little Mexican joint on Cedar that was illuminated by a curious blue light, but when the lady inside showed us a day old "buffet" consisting primarily of beef gruel, I mumbled something about not eating meat and moved on. Thank goodness that Rose remembered Alfredo's! Nothing like a little Italian grub to help one eradicate the vision of "meat-product".
Alfredo's is located in South Side, right on North Washington. Thank goodness it was close, because a hungry Jessica is a not fun Jessica.  Visually, it's a nice place- a pretty outdoor eating patio, with plenty of foliage to create a little space from the road.  Upon entering the restaurant, the bartender checked us out- and then ignored us.... and then another server looked up and quickly looked down and walked away, like a less stealthy version of spy, I was actually surprised she didn't hold her hand up to hide her face.  Eventually (and I do mean in no less than 5 minutes) someone came and sat us.  We ordered a tasty appetizer as soon as possible- An oven roasted butternut squash with sage pasta, and a sinfully sweet brown sugar brandy cream sauce with walnuts.  It was as good as it sounds- the sauce especially worked well- the touch of brandy added a rich note to the sauce, while still allowing the other flavors room to work their magic. For our meals Rosaleen ordered a Caesar salad with grilled chicken, and I ordered gnocchi with pesto sauce.  Rosaleen's salad was a good portion, and the dressing was a traditional Caesar.  My gnocchi portion was humongous and delicious! Rather than a thick pesto sauce that seems favored by some of the other Italian eatery's I've visited locally, this sauce was light while still flavorful.  The gnocchi were also cocked correctly- which ultimately means that yes, I gorged myself. Rosaleen's husband Michael joined us about halfway through the meal- and thankfully they both helped me with my meal.
The good things: They're open late on week nights and the pasta dishes are tasty and highly recommended, the lighting and ambiance are all well done. The bad: On this particular night, the service was disappointing.  Our server forgot my salad, served me clearly burnt coffee and the bowl of soup we ordered for Michael ended up being a cup.  I can and often do excuse a server for silly mistakes, because I've served tables for over 10 years and we all have those nights- it isn't a life crisis.  However, what did put a bad taste in my mouth was that although they are open late, the waitstaff made it clear they'd prefer not to be.
Still- that butternut squash was pretty outrageous.
Alfredo's Pizza Cafe
1040 S Washington Ave
Scranton, PA 18505 
Monday - Thursday
11 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Friday - Saturday
11 a.m. - midnight

11 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


As a birthday celebration for my dearest Jessica, I wanted to take her someplace nice. Very nice. After days of pondering, brainstorming, and acquiring suggestions from local foodies, I consulted with my counterpart, Jenna, and ultimately decided on AV (located on Birney Ave in Moosic). Approaching AV’s parking lot (via GPS) was horrifying. I thought I was entering a slum Motel, which is conveniently attached to the restaurant, AV. Visually the outside of AV is in need of some serious TLC. A hanging plant, bench, candle in the window…anything?! My thought process went from “oh no, where did I take you, Jessica” to…the skies opening and a choir belting “halleluiah” as I walked in the front door. The interior of AV is absolutely beautiful. Clean design; warm and cozy. Great bar area, and most importantly clean, clean bathrooms. I was relieved.

This is an interior decorating blog isn’t it? Oh right, we talk food here. Okay, so here we go: We started with wonderful drinks from the bar. The birthday girl had frozen grapes floating in her martini. My first impression was “oh…how interactive…and tasty.” The appetizers we decided to order included the highly recommended sweet potato gnocchi, which was outstanding. The gnocchi was very soft with crunchy walnuts on top, mmm, delicious. We also ordered fig puree on a crostini topped with prosciutto. Sweet and salty, a flavor combination Jessica and I both seem to favor. Jenna ordered a seared swordfish as her entrée, which was just that…seared swordfish. Fresh tasting with a great sauce (but clearly not memorable). Jessica ordered skate (which is the fin of a stingray fish), served with mashed sweet potatoes. The skate struck our attention because it is a type of fish rarely seen on a menu. Skate is a light fish, and prepared in a way that easily flaked from the bone. This too, was fresh tasting, and had a great sauce. I ordered the “diver scallops.” If you like scallops I would absolutely recommend ordering this dish. They were truly seared to perfection, and were also served with a great sauce and mashed parsnips. I have to say, however, that when my plate was put in front of me and I saw three dainty scallops staring back at me, with a dollop of mashed parsnips with about five string beans, I almost laughed and said, “I didn’t ask you to box up the other half of my meal…” I quickly got back to reality and said, “this is fiiiiiiiine dining, Jean…don’t be a glutton.” I savored every bite of those scallops (not that there were too many bites…but they were all savored). Looking back on this meal, we all seemed to have been in the mood for seafood, hmm. However, there were many different proteins on the menu.

Chocolate lava cake, and classic cheesecake were our desserts. And the very attractive wait staff included a candle for Jessica. How thoughtful.

All in all, this is a restaurant I would go to impress someone (not that you would ever need to impress anyone…but if you ever did…). The inside décor is outstanding, the food is…good…but wouldn’t be the subject of your conversation, which is good, I guess? And the menu has a variety to choose from.

Recommendation? Wear something nice, don’t forget your wallet, and order the gnocchi.

4134 Birney Ave
Moosic, PA18507

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Zummo's Café

Zummo’s Café is a perfect location for a meet and greet chitchat with friends, or as a solo visit to escape from the world. Not only is the atmosphere relaxed (indoors or out), but just the smell of Zummo’s freshly brewed coffee will brighten your day. Fortunately Jessica and I are only a short bike ride to Zummo’s, convenient for an instant craving fix.

Zummo’s buys their coffee from Electric City Roasting, which stands on their fair trade principles. Most of the coffee is from Costa Rica and Guatemala, and yes, the coffee sold to Electric City Roasting is sold directly from the farmer. So, yeah sure, the coffee is pure. Yeah sure, the coffee is FAIR TRADE. Yeah sure, the coffee is absolutely without a doubt smooth and DELICIOUS.

On this particular visit, Jessica enjoyed a classic iced coffee with a nice slice of chocolate cake, while I chomped away on a mixed berry scone and a biscotti cookie. The baked goods at Zummo’s are made on site, and are outstanding! Fresh tasting treats, nice sip of coffee, great atmosphere…sounds like a dreamy Saturday morning to me.

Now, Zummo’s is currently looking for a part-time pastry chef (as advertised by a sign on their front door). This my friends, makes it extremely tempting for me to drop out of school, and bake…all-day-long. Realistically speaking, all I really want to know is how those scones are just so fluffy…

Zummo’s Café

918 Marion St. Scranton, PA

Mon – Sat: 6:30 am – 6 pm

Sun: 6:30 am – 2 pm

Monday, July 5, 2010


Jean and I both REALLY like Eden.  So, when Christian Pilosi (the owner) posted on our wall (via facebook) to come check it out- it was a no-brainer.  Honestly, I probably could have written a thorough glowing review about Scranton's only Vegan eatery without actually stepping foot in the restaurant, but I'm not about to turn down the opportunity to grab a bite there.  So, Jean and I hopped on our bike's and cruised over to Eden.
Eden is, as I mentioned, a Vegan restaurant.  Meat-happy diner's don't run for the hills yet-stay put! What the crew at Eden has managed to do is make this lifestyle choice accessible for the average Scranton'ian.  The menu features steak and cheese, salmon wraps, hamburgers, and a slew of carnivorous options- only, without the actual meat.  The meat substitutes are generally made from soy protein or wheat gluten, and they are overwhelmingly meat-like in texture. The flavors are remarkably spot on in my many cases- achieved primarily through seasoning.  Another cool feature is that, the meals are lighter- and in many cases low in fat and cholesterol.  In addition to a full-menu, the staff at Eden whips up an expansive specials menu each day- including soups, salads, and sandwiches! So- let's get to the food!
Jean and I both opted for specials today- both without any vegan meat, although- let me say however that if you're looking for an outrageous chicken cheese steak, this should be your first stop! Jean beat me to the chase and ordered The Foxy Lady Panini- which is served on fresh Tuscany Italian bread with portabello mushrooms, roasted red peppers, (vegan) mozzarella cheese, Italian dressing and leafy greens which is than panini'ized (pressed and melted!).  I had the black bean wrap, served cold with avocado, cilantro, carrot and greens. Each sandwich comes with a side and a pickle- Jean ordered the notorious "smashed potato's" (the overwhelmingly Irish girl in me gives them 2 ma-jah(!) thumbs up) and I had the veggie side. We split our bounty, each of us taking one half of both sandwiches.  I inhaled the foxy lady- so delicious and fresh! The mozzarella cheese is really tasty, and I promise you as a world-renowed cheese lover,  I'm speaking the truth! The bread was perfectly toasty and crisp, really giving this light summer meal a nice burst of texture.  The black bean wrap was really delicious!  It had a little Latin flaire with the fresh avocado, cilantro and as a former vegetarian, I cannot espouse the wonders carrot can do for a veggie wrap! The simple addition of carrot give the wrap that crunch it needed tying it all together.
It is the attention to detail that impresses me so much at Eden.  Meals are not simply thrown together- rather they are well-crafted, well-thought-out, fully formed meals.  The flavour combinations will impress even the most picky eater.  Seasonal flavors are utilized regularly in scrumtous and inventive ways (check out the soup selection!) while still catering, quite thoughtfully, to the tastes of Scranton!

344 Adams Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Wednesday 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Saturday noon-4:30 p.m.