Monday, July 19, 2010

Scranton Co-Op (Farmer's) Market

After spending a weekend at the beach in Delaware, I came home and was ready to bake. Ready to bake something with PEACHES, that is. Because over the weekend we had some of the sweetest, juiciest, best peaches I've ever eaten. Peaches are in season, right? So, no wonder they're absolutely delicious.

(I now suggest googling or you-tubing “Peaches-Presidents of the USA” for your listening pleasure as you continue reading)

Next stop on a sunny Monday afternoon: Scranton Co-Op (farmer’s) Market to get myself some fresh peaches! As anticipated, I was overwhelmed with the plethora of produce and baked goods, therefore accompanying the peaches (from Heller’s Farm in NY) in my basket were empire apples, hickory smoked pepper crusted bacon (BLT for lunch…delish) and fresh eggs. I felt stocked and ready to go. Friendly people, variety, space, freshness…a farmer’s market fantasy.

So what did I make with the peaches? Peach bread pudding. Soo delicious! Here’s the recipe:

3 cups fresh peaches – pealed and chopped

1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk

3 eggs

1 ¼ cups hot water

¼ cup butter

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon lemon zest

2 generous handfuls of fresh blueberries

1 loaf French bread torn into small pieces (one of those skinny loaves from the bakery section of the grocery store)

Mix peaches, condensed milk, and eggs together. Add hot water, butter, cinnamon, lemon zest, and vanilla extract. Stir in the bread and plop the whole mixture in a greased 13 x 9” baking pan. Bake at 325 degrees for about an hour, until the little peaks of bread on the top of the pudding are golden brown. Let cool for about 2 hours.

I would personally eat the pudding as is but if you want to fancy it up a bit you could drizzle caramel sauce over the top and call it gourmet.

To make the caramel sauce bring ½ cup brown sugar, ½ cup butter, 2 tablespoons corn syrup, and 1-tablespoon rum to a boil. Boil for at least 4 minutes, then let cool slightly before serving.

My roommates enjoyed a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top of their pudding. Clearly the photo you see is not the most flattering, but I can only do so much with a phone camera and an already half consumed dessert.

All in all, seasonal is better, local is best, and cooking is what I adore. What a lovely day.

Scranton Co-Op Farmer's Market - 356 Barring Ave (off Providence Rd and Albright Ave)

Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday noon - 7(ish)

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